Free Performance Boost

Dec 5, 2019 | Blog, Uncategorized

PHP 7.4 and Website Speed Performance Boosts We made the latest version of PHP – version 7.4 – available on its release day last week.
You can switch a single site to it now by Managing a hosting package and selecting ‘Change PHP Version’.

PHP-FPM: better process management
Creative use of PHP is central to making the 20i hosting platform unique. 

Our developers have improved our unique autoscaling technology by specifically tuning Apache to manage PHP-FPM and OPcache pools for all websites. This makes PHP applications even faster on our platform.

We’ve worked hard to get the PHP-FastCGI Process Manager and OPcache working at our scale. It now integrates seamlessly with our autoscaling and load balancing. It boosts performance for every website running PHP 5.6 or above without any need for further optimisation.

So you’ll find that busy sites will run even faster and smoother for every user now.
 No limits
It also means performance improvements between PHP versions are even more visible, so anyone running older versions of PHP should aim at upgrading to get better performance.

No Limits
Unlike most other shared web hosting, our hosting doesn’t have LVE limits. These limits put artificial constraints on resources, like cores, memory, bandwidth and processes. With DevonWebs, you get full access to as much resource that your site needs.

Now we’ve also added PHP-FPM it will mean your site will run even faster, no matter how busy it gets.